A loving place to belong as you explore and grow in your faith in God.

Mexico United Methodist Church is a safe place for people to discover God and connect with others as we learn how to love and be loved together. We’re grateful for all God has done and is still doing and invite you to become a part of God’s unfolding story at Mexico UMC. When you visit, you’ll meet people, just like you, no weird stuff here – just common folks trying to live uncommon lives in a way that is real, caring, growing, and fun. We place a high emphasis on helping you and your family connect and offer choices to help you feel comfortable and at home.

Making disciples for the transformation of the world.

The most significant arenas through which disciple-making occurs is the local church and extension ministries.  Spiritual development is what happens along the way as we serve the needs of the community and the world, and as we together grow in our faith and communicate God’s word to others beyond the walls of the church.  Spiritual formation is fostered as we gather together, so that we are not simply recipients of holiness.  Together we reach out in love and service to the world. Together we help the Church live out the mission of Christ in the world.  Together we worship and celebrate the sacraments.  Together we are transformed into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.  As the Holy Spirit fills the hearts of the faithful, the fire of God’s love will create disciples who shall with God’s help renew the face of the earth.


Believing Jesus: A Journey Through the Book of Acts

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